Senioritis Film Pre-Production–Screenwriter’s Journal


The scriptwriting process for this film is the same as usual. I start by brainstorming ideas that fit the criteria of what we were told to do, which was a lifestyle film this time. Then, I picked the storytelling elements that I wanted to use in the film. I then wrote a storyboard and a script for the film.

Cinematic Storytelling Elements

I will be using this to show Alice is nervous and stressed during the beginning of the film.

I will use slow motion in Alice’s dream.

I will use this to show Alice thinking about graduation in the future.

I will use this to show that it’s winter during most of the film, but then when it’s the graduation flashforward it will look like summer.

Drafts of Script (Correctly Formatted)

Characterization Development

Alice changes her outfit 3 different times and each time she is more nervous and anxious.

Influences from Films

Screenwriters: James Cameron, and Peter Barsocchini.

How they influenced my work: Peter was the screenwriter for High School Musical 3.


Senioritis Treatment 

Logline: A girl fights senioritis in order to graduate on time.

Plot summary: The story is about a senior girl in high school who needs to get her assignments done on time to be able to graduate, but she daydreams about graduating and summer instead. 

Key characters: Alice fights against senioritis throughout the film and daydreams about graduating. Alice’s character gets lazier and lazier each day to show that she is stuck under senioritis and just wants to graduate. 

Costume / Props that Help Characterization

Alice’s costume changes 3 times to show her getting lazier and more tired from school.

What I Learned

I learned how to write a treatment.

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