
In production, I helped the actor with her lines and helped my other team members if they needed help.

Contribution to the Shooting Script

During shooting, we changed the actor’s lines a little bit and also took the actor’s off-screen friend’s lines out. We made these changes because it made the dialogue flow better and we ran out of time to do the off-screen friend’s lines. This is shown in the pictures down below in the On-site Re-writes section.

Challenges Faced During Shooting

One problem we had while shooting is that we forgot an outfit and couldn’t finish the ending of the film until we brought it. We solved this problem by working on other things related to our film for the 2 days that we couldn’t finish filming.

On-site Re-writes During Production

Original section.
Re-written section.

Assistance Given to the Director

I helped the actors with their outfit choices and their lines throughout the film. I also helped the cinematographer with getting the right shots by holding the storyboard and letting them know the shots.

What I Learned

I learned how important it is to have all of your stuff and props for filming so that you aren’t rushing your editor to get the film in on time.

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