A Day in My Life


I started by writing down what I did in a 24 hour day on my phone. I then picked a font from 1001fonts and then I made a color palette from Adobe Color. I then made my pie chart using Adobe Illustrator with the font and color palette that I previously chose. I then wrote my script and recorded the audio and made a storyboard for my video. I made my video by first putting in screenshots of my pie chart, then my recorded audio, and then I picked a song to put in my video from open verse. I then adjusted the volume of the music and audio so that you could hear me talking about what I did in my life that day. Finally, I downloaded the video and put the link into my blog post.


Color Palette

Pie Chart


Hi!  I’m Samantha and I recorded what I did for 24 hours in my life.  The first thing I start my day with is waking up and getting ready for school.  I spend about 1 hour getting ready for school.  I’m at school for 6 hours, including driving to and from school.  During school, I have a 30-minute break to eat food.  Once school gets out, I have 1 hour of extracurricular activities and  1.5 hours of working out.  Then, I get or make food which takes up to 1 hour.  Then I hang out with people for 2 hours.  I then go on my phone for about 30 minutes before taking a 30-minute shower.  I was then on my phone for 1 hour to do things for college and watch Netflix before bed.  Then it takes me 30 minutes to get ready for bed.  I sleep on average 8.5 hours each night.  Something I took from this study was that I should probably make time out of my day to eat breakfast.  I was surprised that the time it takes me to get ready was equal to the time it takes me to eat in a day.  Thanks for listening!

Audio Editing

my audio recordings for my narration


Video Editing

The Documentary


What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned how to use voice memos on my phone and how to transfer it to premiere pro to edit.

At first, I had a hard time figuring out how to use Adobe Illustrator to make a pie chart but after a few attempts, I figured it out and it was actually pretty easy.



I was involved in the post-production process by helping the editor with the order of shots and helping the sound designer with what sounds to make and use in the film.

Evidence of Further Input

There was no additional dialogue added in post-production. All the input in pre-production was communicated directly in person to my team or teammates. For example, the sound designer would ask me what sounds he needed to make and then I would help pick which one sounded the best. Another example is when the editor asked me which shot was better and what the order should be.

Evaluation of Script

My script was a little artistic, but not very technical. It was a little artistic because of the choice to use flash-forward and expanding time through pacing techniques. We didn’t have much dialogue so that made the script not very technical.

How I Could Have Improved The Film

I would have added more dialogue to the script. For the film, I would have maybe tried to have one more on-screen character and would have changed a few shots to not be upside down because the end result was a little confusing.

What I Learned

I learned how to communicate with my team very effectively and efficiently.


Session Number 7
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 
What was your overall goal for this week? finish post-production blog post

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why?
Mondaywasn’t in this class today0 minutes
Tuesdaycreated post-production blog post and had a group talk with Mr.Leduc50 minutes
Wednesdayfilled out professional quotient rubric40 minutes



In production, I helped the actor with her lines and helped my other team members if they needed help.

Contribution to the Shooting Script

During shooting, we changed the actor’s lines a little bit and also took the actor’s off-screen friend’s lines out. We made these changes because it made the dialogue flow better and we ran out of time to do the off-screen friend’s lines. This is shown in the pictures down below in the On-site Re-writes section.

Challenges Faced During Shooting

One problem we had while shooting is that we forgot an outfit and couldn’t finish the ending of the film until we brought it. We solved this problem by working on other things related to our film for the 2 days that we couldn’t finish filming.

On-site Re-writes During Production

Original section.
Re-written section.

Assistance Given to the Director

I helped the actors with their outfit choices and their lines throughout the film. I also helped the cinematographer with getting the right shots by holding the storyboard and letting them know the shots.

What I Learned

I learned how important it is to have all of your stuff and props for filming so that you aren’t rushing your editor to get the film in on time.


Session Number 6
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 
What was your overall goal for this week? finish production and post-production blog post

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why?
Mondayworked on pre-production blog post 50 minutesyes, I finished my pre-production blog post
Tuesdayworked on production blog post50 minutesyes, I am almost done with my production blog post
Wednesdaywas in class for 10 minutes but I still finished my production blog post10 minutesyes, even though I wasn’t in class very long I was able to finish my production blog post
Thursday was gone all day for IB testing0 minutesno, because I was gone
 Fridayfinished my pre-production blog post from last week because I forgot to finish it50 minutesyes, I finished my pre-production blog post


Session Number 5
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 
What was your overall goal for this week? finish filming and start production blog post

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why?
Mondayworked on the pre-production blog post40 minutesno, I was distracted by my phone and decision day, so I didn’t get much done
Tuesdayfilmed the repetitive shots and diploma shot40 minutesyes, our film is almost done
Wednesdaywasn’t in class because of ib testingno, I wasn’t in class today
Thursday we couldn’t film because we didn’t have Alice’s cap and gown40 minutesno, we weren’t able to finish filming
 Fridayfilmed the graduation scene and started production blog post40 minutesyes, we finished filming our film


Session Number 11
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3.5 hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Finish Pre-Production Blog post and start filming in Production

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why?
MondayFound my four cinematic storytelling elements50 minutesYes because it helped me finish my blog post
TuesdayWorked on the script for film and blog post50 minutesYes because it helped our team figure out our film idea 
WednesdayFinished the script and started getting influence from movies40 minutesYes because I finished the script
Thursday Started filming 30 minutesKind of but we could’ve filmed more shots
 FridayFimed a few shots and finished blog post50 minutesYes I finished my blog posts and we filmed some more shots

Senioritis Film Pre-Production–Screenwriter’s Journal


The scriptwriting process for this film is the same as usual. I start by brainstorming ideas that fit the criteria of what we were told to do, which was a lifestyle film this time. Then, I picked the storytelling elements that I wanted to use in the film. I then wrote a storyboard and a script for the film.

Cinematic Storytelling Elements

I will be using this to show Alice is nervous and stressed during the beginning of the film.

I will use slow motion in Alice’s dream.

I will use this to show Alice thinking about graduation in the future.

I will use this to show that it’s winter during most of the film, but then when it’s the graduation flashforward it will look like summer.

Drafts of Script (Correctly Formatted)

Characterization Development

Alice changes her outfit 3 different times and each time she is more nervous and anxious.

Influences from Films

Screenwriters: James Cameron, and Peter Barsocchini.

How they influenced my work: Peter was the screenwriter for High School Musical 3.


Senioritis Treatment 

Logline: A girl fights senioritis in order to graduate on time.

Plot summary: The story is about a senior girl in high school who needs to get her assignments done on time to be able to graduate, but she daydreams about graduating and summer instead. 

Key characters: Alice fights against senioritis throughout the film and daydreams about graduating. Alice’s character gets lazier and lazier each day to show that she is stuck under senioritis and just wants to graduate. 

Costume / Props that Help Characterization

Alice’s costume changes 3 times to show her getting lazier and more tired from school.

What I Learned

I learned how to write a treatment.

April 17TH-21TH Weekly Work Log

Session Number 10
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3.5 hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Finish Pre-Production

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
MondayLeDuc talked to us for a little then we started brainstorming ideas40 minutes 
Tuesdaykept brainstorming ideas50 minutes 
Wednesdaylooked up storytelling elements40 minutes 
Thursday worked on script and pre-production blog post50 minutes 
 Fridaydrew out storyboard 50 minutes 

April 10th-14th Weekly Work Log

Session Number 9
Week Numbernot sure
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3.5 hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Finish CFP and CS

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
MondayWorked on fixing FP Reel40 minutes 
TuesdayWorked on CFP and CS50 minutes 
WednesdayWorked on CFP and editing CS30 minutes 
Thursday Worked on editing CS and finishing CFP50 minutes  
 FridayFinished CS60 minutes  

Personal Comments (Optional) 

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